Friday, December 24, 2010

Our Christmas Tradition...Not Waiting

It's a tradition....Ryan and I can never wait until Christmas to give each other our presents. My mom teases me about it every year. We just get so excited about what we got each other and want to see the look of happiness on each others faces - it's just impossible for us to wait. I'm sure when we have kids we will learn self-control, but for now. It's what we do.

I was very excited about what I got Ryan for Christmas. I knew he would just love his present - the complete series of The Sopranos. He's mentioned it several times and was incredibly disappointed when one of the discs from the movie rental store was scratched. I got it for around 1/3 of what it normally costs so I was pretty proud about it, and I just couldn't wait to see his face when he opened it up.

Of course, it wasn't enough that he just open the present. I had to send him on a scavenger hunt first. I gave him little clues all around the house.

After searching for the clues for a good 15 minutes, he finally found his present. Needless to say - he was thrilled he finally found it.

I think he was pretty happy, and at least a little surprised.

Then it was my turn. Actually it was Ryan who was adamant about opening presents early. And it was after I opened my gift that I understood why.

I'm one of those weird people who savors opening her gifts. I don't like ripping the wrapping paper. I carefully peel away each piece of tape and do my best to keep the paper completely intact. I know - it's weird - I just can't help myself.

Voila! A video camera!

I had mentioned several times in the past that I would like a video camera.But there was no real need for one. This weekend though I brought it up a few times. We were at a electronics store and walked past some video cameras and I mentioned when we have kids I would like to have one. I mentioned it on the car ride home that I had some fun ideas for incorporating video into my blog and website. There were a couple other instances, but I really had no idea that was what he had gotten me.

So there's a good chance in 2011, you may get some video posts on this blog or some fun little video additions to my website. That's the goal anyway.

Well I wish you all a very Merry Christmas Eve and that you have a happy and fun Christmas Day!

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