So today hasn't quite gone exactly as I had planned. I got up with Ryan this morning and dropped him off at work. Then I headed into Decatur. I was planning on spending my morning at Hendricks and Carr to get some work done on editing pictures. Unfortunately, the computer didn't recognize my camera when I plugged it in and I didn't bring the camera software with me. So no such luck. I also couldn't get the computer to recognize the wireless interenet USB thing-a-ma-jig (yes - I am oh so good with the technical terms). So no internet either.
So I am now sitting at my parents' house, using their computer to transfer files from my camera to their computer and writing this blog post. I may just wait until I get my laptop back to do any editing on my photos - if it's going to be this ridiculous to get to the actually point of editing. :(
On a much more excited note - I got my new section done for my about page! I'll probably randomly make changes to it (new slides/new pictures/etc.) But check it out on my About Page. Just click on the button that says "Some Random Things" And let me know what you think! I'd love to hear your thoughts on it! It would totally make my day.
Well, I'm going to take a break from blogging to get ready for McLaine's Senior Session. But PLEASE do leave me a note to tell me what you think about the new About feature.
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