Friday, October 15, 2010

So long laptop

So I shipped my laptop off to Mac this morning to have them fix it. For the next 2-3 weeks I'm going to be getting my work done over at the Hendricks & Carr office. Mike and Josh were nice enough to let me use their space and their spare desktop while my laptop is away.

I have a busy weekend ahead of me. Two photo sessions and possibly a family get-together. I've got a senior session for Rachel Wayne and an engagement session for Marcy and Mike. I'm super excited about both of them and can't wait to take their pictures. :)

I'm working on a new project too. It's going to be added to the About Me page of my website as soon as I get it done. I've got all these great and grand ideas for what I want to do with my website, but I'm having to tackle them slowly over time. Basically, I would like to add little insights into who I am and how I do my sessions. So that when people visit my page they can really get a feel for who I am and how I work. I know that my style of photography is different from most other people in my area, but it's hard to tell that just from the text. Here's a sneak peek into what I'm working on:

I think I'll keep today's post brief since I want to get the computer off ASAP.
I will see you all next week. Have a great weekend!

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