Monday, October 11, 2010

Starting to Bring Balance Back

So I'm still absorbing everything I learned from Escalate LIVE last week. I've been doing a lot of thinking...not only about my business, but also about life in general. One of the recurring themes at Escalate was learning to balance life and work...something I'm not always very good at.

One of the things Julia Woods actually suggested is to schedule EVERYTHING, especially non-business related things. When you run your own business it's so easy to get caught up in all the things you need to do, that it's easy to forget to take time out for yourself and your family. Even now...I'm writing this on a Sunday evening at 9 pm, and I've been working all day on random little work-related tasks. So scheduling the non-work tasks is something I'm going to implement in my everyday life.

I'm going to be real, open, and honest...cuz that's who I am. Since getting married and starting the business I have pushed my needs to the bottom of my priority list. I've gotten so caught up in running the business and doing work that I end up spending most days working from 9 am to at least 10 at night. A consequence of doing this is that I have put on some extra weight. To be honest, I don't hate myself for it. It has helped me to appreciate the fact that who I am is not determined by the number on the scale or what size jeans I fit into. However, I would like to get back to a more comfortable size.

So you are my witnesses - my accountability buddies. I am going to start working toward losing some of this excess weight. I'm going to schedule a workout everyday. I'm going to take some time to plan meals in advance. And I'm going to try to keep actual work hours between 8 am and 5 pm. So that's my plan in a nutshell.

So here's to a fresh start today, and a more fulfilling future!

Happy Monday!

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