Friday, October 22, 2010

Showin' Some Love #8

It's been a couple weeks since I did a Showin' Some Love post so I thought I would today. And today's post is going to be a little different from the previous ones. Because today's post is going to be dedicated to my other half, Ryan, and how our relationship started. I thought it might be kind of fun for me share it and for you all to get to know a little more about me. :)

I don't know how many of you know how we met, but we've been together for quite a while (almost 7 years now). Ryan and I started dating when I was still a senior in high school. Both of our families attended the same church, Our Lady of Lourdes in Decatur. Ryan and I were both members of the Folk Group - one of the music groups that played at church on Sundays. I played piano; Ryan played bass.

Little did I realize that while I was secretly sneaking glances at the cute guy goofing off in the corner, he was sneaking glances at me while I was talking and giggling away with my friend Sally. There was one night in particular that I decided I really wanted to talk to that boy, but I was just to nervous to ask him. So I vainly tried to get Sally to ask for his screen name for me. (Oh yes - back in the days when Instant Messaging was all the rage.) She actually MADE me go ask him! I felt so embarrassed and like such a fool. There was no way he was ever going to talk to me.

Two nights later, I was at home working late at night on an AP English paper when the little rectangular box popped up in the bottom right hand corner of my computer screen. We proceeded to converse in this way for weeks...until Valentine's Day.

I was at my friend Erin's house, but for some reason decided to come home earlier so I could talk to this crazy guy online. We were chatting away on IM and I decided to play a game..."Ask Ryan a Million Questions." Now the point of this game, if you don't already know is to ask someone a bunch of questions so you can inconspicuously slip in the one question you really want to know. For me that question was "Do you 'like-like' anybody?"

Easy, right? Nope. I'm asking these questions and I'm getting more and more nervous and I finally decide okay now or never. So I ask him...There's a pause...I'm waiting and then..."what?" *sigh* I lost my nerve - "Nevermind. What's your favorite food?"

He never knew I asked him until years later when I pointed it out to him. Yes, I saved the conversation and printed it out. But the night still ended well. At around 11:30pm he asked me if I wanted to be his valentine and I, of course said yes. So for the last half hour of Valentine's day - I had my first ever valentine.

So there you have it. The beginnings of our crazy little love story. Eventually here I'll have to share the story of our first date and his proposal and other little random things. It's dawning on me as I sit here thinking about them just how silly Ryan and I actually are. Hmm...well I hope you enjoyed this little post. Feel free to leave a comment telling me how you met your significant other. I'd love to hear your love story!

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