Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Excited and Praying

I'm keeping this post short today because I'm trying to get caught up on house work. My home is need of some major cleaning! :)

I'm super excited about today though! One of my good friends (and a client), Raeanna, is scheduled to have her beautiful baby girl today! I'm so super excited for her and daddy Ryan! Raeanna is going to be such a good momma, I can already tell! That maternal instinct has already kicked in full swing, and she's just radiant with mother goodness. I can't wait to meet sweet baby Laila (and hopefully snap a few pictures of the little angel)!

P.S. Little Miss Laila Anne Fultz was born at 7:24 am and weighed 5 lbs. 13 oz. and is absolutely perfect!

We're thinking of you guys and praying for you guys today! Lots of love!

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