Friday, October 29, 2010


So I was reading one of my photographer friend's blogs the other day and she was talking about dreams. And I started thinking how interesting it is that we can all have so vastly different aspirations for our futures. Even those of us in the same profession. So I thought I'd share some things I dream about on todays post.

There was a time when I thought finding someone who would love me for who I was, exactly as I was, was in and of itself nothing but a distant dream. And then I met Ryan, who knows how to make me laugh, he makes me feel better when I'm upset, and he supports me in everything I do. I have to admit that I'm so very pleased that the dream of being married to Ryan has come true, and I couldn't be happier.

I dream about having my own family. I look forward to the days when I will hear some little person call me mom, and I can already picture the look on Ryan's face when he gets to hold our little child for the first time. Everyone says there is no right time to start a family. I don't know when the right time will be for us, but I know that when the right time comes, I will be ready and excited.

I dream about living further out in the country. So for those of you that don't know where I actually live - I live in this little tiny town called Kirksville. We don't have a post office or a gas station. We're essentially a collection of maybe a dozen houses about 7 miles outside of Sullivan. For a lot of people this is the country, and they don't know why we like living this far away from any big town. There is just something about the quiet and calm of living in the country that has always felt right to me. Someday I would love to have a bigger yard (we currently have 3/4 of an acre) with at least a mile between us and our closest neighbor. And of course I'll need a little bigger house for the kids. We really couldn't fit more than two small children in our current little two bedroom 1920's farm house. But this is a dream that is most likely....FAR down the road if we ever are lucky enough to achieve it.

I dream about traveling overseas one day. I've never left this country in my 25 years of life. But I've never really had the opportunity to either. I would love to visit Italy, and Ryan would love to visit Ireland. I would just like to visit anywhere new. I think it would be good for me on so many different levels.

Of course I dream about making this business successful. I love what I do, but sometimes I forget that this is a business and I end up trying to be too everyone, but me. I've learned a lot this year, and there are going to be some pretty significant changes come January 1st. Not only are these changes going to help my business to grow and be successful, but I'm confident they are going to bring some balance back to my life. Something that I really need desperately. It's time I started to reclaim my life from my work.

So yea. Those are some of my biggest dreams. They're nothing special really or extravagant. And you know what - it won't be the end of the world if I can't achieve them. Because what I have right now, at this very moment, is a blessing and wonderful! But I can still dream and hope for the future and maybe one day all of these dreams will unfold for me and my family...we'll just have to see.

If you are wanting to keep up to date with the changes that are going to occur with the business come January 1st, please sign up for the newsletter. I won't be sending you spam or newsletters once a week. It's basically just an easy way for me to help keep you updated on changes in the business. I have a feeling it will only happen 4 times a year max... Here's the link:

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