It's been a wonderfully full week for work. I got to do Jamie's Senior photos on Tuesday, which was so much fun. Then I got to take pictures of Amber's kids, Angel & Charlie, and as always I had a blast! I'm just finishing up the last few edits from their shoot and I should have their pictures up for you to see next week.
While I was in town Tuesday I stopped by our credit union and looked up to see the digital billboard just beyond the building. (I should probably preface this by saying that I recently created an ad design for Macon County 4-H to use on a digital billboard.) So looking up at the sign I wondered when the company would put it up. And just as I was finishing the thought...there it was! My hubby was with me and he can vouch for me - I screamed with glee. Yes - screamed! I was so excited to see it! It's the greatest thing to see something you are proud of being used and on display. So if you're curious, here's the ad:
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If you're driving down US 51 S in Decatur, you might get to see my ad off on your right. :) |
So here's the deal. Ryan and I kind of live in the dark ages when it comes to our personal entertainment expenses. We both had very basic phones until recently and didn't even have texting on our plan until around Christmas time last year. Honestly I'm fine with that. I am not a materialistic person. I don't need the latest gadget just to say I have the latest gadget. That's not me. We don't have cable out at the house either. We get maybe five changes on a cloud-free day, which is fine because we've got a pretty nice movie collection to entertain ourselves with.
So anyway, I've always used AT&T, and Ryan switched from Verizon when we got married because their customer service was just horrible. Honestly we've been happy with AT&T. The whole reason we are considering switching is for internet. In the two years we've been married (and the two years I've been in business) we haven't had internet out at the house. Currently I drive to the library everyday to use their internet to check email, upload pictures, write on my blog, update facebook, etc. It would be AWESOME to finally be able to just click "Upload Pictures" and let my computer upload the pictures while I get cleaning done or walk my dog or cook dinner. I would be so much more's quite honestly ridiculous.
Unfortunately AT&T does not offer an unlimited package for wirelessly tethering but Verizon does. (Tethering is essential using your phone as a hotspot so you can get internet on your computer.) And it would be A.MAZ.ING to be able to have internet at home. So we're evaluating the budget and I think we're going to try to make this work. I'm sure I will probably post the day we switch over from my home. :) But we'll see...
Well I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! I will be taking engagement photos for Sara & John tomorrow in Monticello and I'm super excited about it! Happy Friday!
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